Nueva Helvecia Shrine – A sacred pilgrimage site during the Holy Year

Sr. Clara María Bercetche

The first Schoenstatt daughter shrine in Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay, was chosen by the diocesan bishop Monsignor Luis Eudardo González Cedrés as a Jubilee temple in this Holy Year. We chose this date, Sunday March 9, to join in the opening celebration at the Original Shrine, which has also been designated as a Jubilee Temple.

A group of ladies who walk for 30 km to get to the Shrine every October 18th were present. Staff from the MTA school and parishioners from the local parish and nearby towns gladly participated in this beautiful Sunday. It was still summer and the weather was good, so that the celebration could be held outdoors in the early afternoon, something that would have been impossible just two days before due to the intense heat. God’s Providence was also evident in this.

Since early morning, a large group of missionaries from the Pilgrim Mother Apostolate in the city of Montevideo had been preparing for this moment by following the Stations of the Cross in the garden of the Shrine and praying the illuminated rosary with an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

The celebrant prostrated and kissed the floor of the Shrine

Prior to the Holy Mass, the bishop emeritus of the diocese of Mercedes, Monsignor Carlos María Colazzi, listened to confessions from a large number of people while the rosary was being recited by the community. A moment of special transcendence was the solemn opening of the Shrine door. The eloquent gesture of prostration and the kiss of the celebrant on the floor of the Shrine had an impact on everyone.

As he said in his homily, we are treading on truly holy ground, where God gives his people special graces in this Year of Hope. As the Shrine bell rang vigorously, those present were invited to enter the Jubilee site. Meanwhile, we continued to meditate on the words of the bishop, who reminded us that God wishes to express his love and mercy through these particular places where he acts with special favor.

During the celebration, we particularly prayed for the health of Pope Francis. Our Queen must have been deeply pleased with the visit of so many people from different places. A great family celebration!

Translation: Maribel Acaron


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