The air was filled with solemnity and joy as people from near and far gathered to witness the sacred clothing ceremony of the novices of the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary this past Sunday, February 23, 2025, in Burundi, Africa. The Shrine of Trust in Mutumba, adorned with flowers and candles, stood as a beacon of divine love, drawing families, friends, and well-wishers to partake in this momentous occasion. Faces beamed with happiness, eyes glistened with emotion, and the echoes of hymns resonated in the hearts of all present.
The novices (seven of them) stood at the threshold of a transformative journey, their expressions a mixture of serenity and anticipation. Clothed in white, they embodied purity and devotion, each step toward the altar symbolizing a deeper commitment to Christ and His Blessed Mother. The weight of their decision was met with a radiant glow of hope, hope for the graces to come, the challenges that would shape their souls and the mission that awaited them beyond the novitiate walls.

The novices left the novitiate house for the shrine. There, accompanied by four priests, they received a blessing from the Archbishop of the Diocese of Bujumbura, Monsignor Gervais Banshimiyubusa. They then made their way in procession to the parish church in Mutumba, where the ceremony took place. Fourteen priests and a deacon concelebrated with the archbishop.

A “yes” to consecrated life
For many, this was not just a ceremony but a powerful testament to faith and surrender. Though filled with bittersweet pride, parents found solace in the joy radiating from their daughters. Fellow Schoenstatters marveled at the beauty of this sacred calling, recalling their paths of consecration and renewal.
The presence of the Archbishop of Bujumbura, priests, and religious added to the grandeur. Their prayers and blessings sealed the novices’ entry into a life of service and love. During the Holy Mass, the archbishop expressed the need to become true Christians—not just in words but in our daily lives. He also enlightened the novices on the importance of obedience and its necessity in their chosen mission.
As the ceremony progressed, the moment of clothing arrived. Each novice received her veil and sisters dress, signifying her consecration to God. The hymn of dedication swelled in the church, and a deep silence followed a silence filled with awe, gratitude, and the whisper of divine presence. The newly-clothed sisters, now clothed in the identity of their vocation, lifted their eyes toward the future, embracing the unknown with trust and courage.
At the end of the Holy Mass, everyone went in procession to the shrine, where the novices prayed their consecration prayer to the Blessed Mother, and the archbishop gave the sending forth blessing.

Novices from Burundi and Kenya
This day will be etched in the hearts of many, a reminder that in a world longing for love and meaning, God continues to call and anoint. For these novices, it is the beginning of a journey—a journey of faith, sacrifice, and boundless grace. As they take their first steps towards becoming Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary, they do so not alone but with the prayers and support of a community that rejoices in their ‘yes’ to God.
The new novices of the community are:
Sr. M. Yvette Akimana, Burundi
Sr. M. Pascasie Nduwayezu, Burundi
Sr. M. Jeanne Nishishikare, Burundi
Sr. M. Eliane Niyokwizera, Burundi
Sr. M. Esperance Niyongere, Burundi
Sr. M. Irene Niyontore, Burundi
Sr. M. Damaris Kanini Nzomo, Kenya