On August 30, the Community of the Schoenstatt Fathers celebrated the 54th anniversary of the blessing of the Shrine on Mount Sion in Schoenstatt. This Shrine is next to our main house, which we call the Father House (Vaterhaus in German).
Without detracting from the official founding date of our Community (July 18, 1965), the date of the blessing of the Shrine has become the “Feast Day” of the Community of the Schoenstatt Fathers. This year, for different reasons, Fathers from all over the world and from all generations gathered.
There were more than 100 priests from Europe (Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Austria), Africa (Nigeria, Congo, South Africa), Asia (India) and America (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico).
Moreover, different generations were involved. We still have the grace of having members who had contact with Father Kentenich and belong to the founding generation. The youngest were four Nigerian seminarians who are at the end of their time of formation and who, God willing, will be ordained deacons in the coming months.
Gradually the house filled up. Fathers who work in parishes and who had been participating in a conference during the last few days were arriving. Fathers who live in Schoenstatt, those who were participating in formation courses or some who were visiting Schoenstatt for apostolic reasons also arrived. Everyone greeted each other, some to introduce themselves and get to know each other, others to meet again after a long time.
We began the day with a Eucharistic celebration

At 10:30 a.m. the celebration of the Eucharist began, presided by our Superior General, Father Alexandre Awi. Reflecting an ever-stronger reality, we moved from English to German, from German to Spanish and back to English. And the melodies of the songs, and their interpretation with different instruments, helped us to appreciate the multiculturalism in our community of fathers: a reality that challenges us, but above all, gives us joy and hope.
In his homily, Father Alexandre reminded us that 10 years ago, during the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Covenant of Love, we sealed, as a Community, a Covenant of Love for the Schoenstatt Family. It was an invitation to renew ourselves in the central purpose of our existence. To be able to serve with all our strength, abilities – and also our weaknesses – the charism of Schoenstatt through its Family. In part of his homily, Father Alexandre reminded us of Father Kentenich’s phrase:
“Everything for Schoenstatt, Schoenstatt for the Church
and the Church for the Holy Trinity”.
He invited each one to play their part in this service: “for some it is about prayer; for others, it is about working within Schoenstatt (according to what the Community asks of them); for others, it is about working directly with the Movement. The Blessed Mother knows how much each one can offer for our Family”.

At the end of the Mass we went on pilgrimage to our Sion Shrine. It was a long procession that ended up gathering in front of the Shrine to renew the Covenant of Love with Mary, with our Father and Founder, and on this occasion, consciously on behalf of the Schoenstatt Family, which we are called to serve.
It was a full day of community. There was time to share around the table, chat and pray. We did so with a grateful heart for the gift of our vocation and the charism that God has given us.
From the Mass of the Instrument, in Heavenwards:
“In the future let us be yours and dedicate the power of our love to you alone,
so that Christ can work through us and lead souls to heaven.
In us may he walk through the world to extend his kingdom with his Bride!
Send us the power of the Savior’s Spirit, that he may make creation new:
The Schoenstatt kingdom, the City of God, which resembles the eternal city of Sion,
where love is triumphant and truth and justice always reign. Amen.”

Translation: Maribel Acaron | Photos: Fr. Ignacio Camacho