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Apostolic Movement

Nueva Helvecia: A crucial step for International Schoenstatt

The Shrine of New Helvetia initiated the current of Daughter Shrines that continue to be replicated throughout the five continents year after year.
Boldness and a missionary zeal make it possible for Schoenstatt to penetrate the heart of every culture without losing its fidelity to its origins.
80 years after its inauguration, the Schoenstatt Family in Uruguay celebrates this historic milestone.

80 years after the first daughter Shrine in New Helvetia

Heiligtum Neuva Helvencia

New Helvetia, in Uruguay, is the first Schoenstatt daughter Shrine where Our Lady chose to descend, just as she had done in 1914. It is located in Uruguay, 60 km. from Colonia del Sacramento and 17 km. from Rio de la Plata. It was blessed on October 18, 1943, during the Second World War, while the founder was behind the electrified wires of Dachau. October marks the 80th anniversary of its blessing.