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Apostolic Movement

The Secretary of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil visits Schoenstatt in Rome

Bishop Ricardo Hoepers’ testimony expresses a profound experience of faith: “There are so many people in the Diocese of Rio Grande who share in the experience of the Mother and Queen visiting their homes, that this has convinced me that the presence of the Virgin of Schoenstatt within the families is the surest way for a diocese, for a particular Church, to evolve and, above all, to be strengthened in the faith”. And he concludes: “In the Diocese of Rio Grande, the Mother and Queen visits practically every family, everywhere”.

Tips for those who want to start reading the Bible

On this “Sunday of the Word of God”, follow some tips to begin or go deeper into the reading of the Bible. Father Marcelo Cervi, Doctor of Theology and member of the Secular Institute of Schoenstatt Diocesan Priests, coordinates an online Bible study group and offers some suggestions.

Get to know the Church Jubilee 2025 app

The “Iubilaeum25” app is now available in six languages, including English. With it, you can keep up to date with all the news and register for the events of the Holy Year.

Schoenstatt Together – with the Church, with the Pope, for the Synod

We have an invitation for the entire Schoenstatt Family: Shall we pray together for the Synod? United with the whole Church and Pope Francis, we will have a special moment in Schoenstatt’s Original Shrine on September 30th. You are also encouraged to join your group in your country for a moment of prayer.

Ernesto Fernández, new Schoenstatt Bishop for the Argentinean Church

Ernesto Fernández - Novo Bispo de Schoenstatt na Igreja Argentina

“My appointment was made public on May 31st, in it we see the challenge of collaborating with the Blessed Mother so that organic thinking, living and loving may become a reality. I understand that being a diocesan priest will allow me to make the Schoenstatt charism present in the heart of the Church”, says the new Bishop.