Join us for the novena for Covenant of Love Day in the Original Shrine. The novena takes place from October 9 to 17, always at 19:50 (German time).

On the seventh day, we direct our gaze to the Shrine’s ceiling, where the symbol of the Holy Spirit is found. He awakens us and guides us toward our mission. Learn about other gifts that the Spirit brings us in the text of the novena.

Pray from home

The novena is broadcasted live every day through the Original Shrine’s webcam. It will be prayed during the evening blessing, always at 7:50 pm (German time).

If you are not able to connect to the transmissions, no problem. We invite you to pray the novena as a family or with your Movement group.

To participate, download the content:

Novena in English

To watch the broadcasts – access the webcam: click here